Mt. Baker From Mt. Constitution


Take that ferritin levels!

Although this doesn’t directly pertain to running, it does pertain to females, who happen to abstain from consuming meat…and also like to run very long distances in their spare time. As a strict vegetarian of about a year, I recently discovered that my iron levels are lower than normal. It has been worrisome to say the least, and certain runs do seem excessively difficult. But today I ventured into the world of buffalo. I don’t mean that I wandered out into the prairie to kick it with the herd. I ATE buffalo. Not only did I feel a little badass, but I’m keeping my fingers crossed that 1) I don’t get sick from consuming red meat all of a sudden and 2) My iron levels will be revived and I will feel fast and strong! According to the woman at Whole Foods today, buffalo is incredibly lean with very little cholesterol. They feed primary on grass as well!

More on running: yesterday I went on a 12.5 mile run. Alone. It felt soooooo long! It was unbelievable how different of an experience it was from the usual chatting and, “deedle-eedle-deet” of the Garmin. I was running the U-district-Golden Garden-Ballard-and-back loop, and by the time I reached Golden Gardens, I thought for sure I had been running for ages. I glanced down at my watch. ‘44:21’ glared back up at me. Oh. My. Gosh. I didn’t realize how quickly time passed when I was gabbing incessantly (haha). I finished my run much faster than normal, mostly because I was incredibly bored. Thank goodness for running buddies! -

Happy running,


1 comment:

  1. i'm surprised that buffalo aren't endangered or something.

    Also, agreed on the running buddies comment!
