Mt. Baker From Mt. Constitution


How this all started.....

Although I've only been running for a little more than a year (I was a rower before then), I've quickly been sucked into the world of long distance and trail running. Today while sitting with one of my roommates I told her how excited i was that we started this blog. She looked at me and said "Oh Sophia, you've crossed the threshold to a runner." I was thinking about this today and looking back on the past year, all three have us have come a long way.

We all met at Husky Running Club last winter quarter. After running for a few weeks together, Allison and I were talking about how her New Year's Resolution was to run a marathon. We both though nothing of this for a bit, and in March she threw out the idea of the Seattle Marathon in November. Me being new to running and all hesitated, but the ambition and adventure inside me told me to go for it. A week later we signed up and Phylly joined us on our wild ride of training. They both had run before in college/high school, but me being the newbie, I had no idea what to except. We built up slowly, and before we knew it we were saying things like "We only ran 10 miles today, I really wanted to do more."

My parents were surprised with my running, but quickly grew accustomed to hearing about 2+ hour runs as though they were apart of my everyday existence. When school started, the marathon drew closer. Phylly didn'register for the Seattle Marathon, so she signed up for the Seattle Ghost (read: Marathon Maniac's way of getting back to back marathons) and as our race dates grew nearer, we become more excited and nervous to race. It was going to be the longest any of us had run. When the dates rolled around, Allison and I ventured out to watch and cheer for Phylly on the monotonous and repetive Ghost coarse consisting of laps from Seward Park to Madrona Park (boring I know), which was the day before the Seattle. The next mornign we found ourselves embarking on our journey to finish the race. All in all it was awesome, and the next few days we were all sore to say the least.

A few weeks later, I couldn't help but think, what's next. So that's what we're doing now. Going for the next big thing. We've kept the running up after some marathon recovery time, and ventured out to Orcas Island for the Fat Ass 25k in Moran State park (It was a "whale of a run" but SO much fun and SO beautiful). Since then, school picked up, finals came this week, but after all was said and done, we ventured out to good old Issy (we'd go more if the bus ride wasn't so long....) and ran through misted mossy green forests (aka awesomeness), where the idea arose to start a blog. The idea bloomed from there and so here we find ourselves now.

I hope you enjoy reading about our runs and training!

Happy Trails!

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