Mt. Baker From Mt. Constitution


Welcome to My Life

Have you ever gone to a tough yoga/workout class and needed to go for a loosening up run the next day? I had one of those days this week. On Monday I was pretty sore from my hour and half yoga, so I figured out I had exactly enough time to go for a half an hour (wimpy i know) run before I really had to be in studio to do work on my project. Well, after I got into my groove, I really didn't want to turn around and head home. It was such a beautiful fall day and I had some good music and was in the zone. When I hit my short-run turn around point I thought to myself, I'll just run to the next bridge....famous last words. Before I knew it I was at Piazza Del Popolo, turning around at my 5-mile run point. So much for that super short run to loosen up....and time working on my project in studio! Then to top it all off, I ran negative splits the whole way home to make up for the extra time spent much for the easy run to loosen up! The whole plan went out the window!

Even through I ate away my studio time, what I've discovered in Rome is that I really need to run how I feel. Some days I don't bring garmy or my watch, but just want to go out and run. I ruffly know the distances, so who cares how long it takes right? Maybe I felt inspired by Steve Pre not wearing a watch until he got to oregon. who knows. All I know is that running extra that morning made my studio infinitely more enjoyable. I walked into studio ready to work and start my day, satisfied with my run this morning. That's what running is all about right? Loving the run and how you feel. That's all I ask for from my runs.

Happy running!

1 comment:

  1. absolutely!!! laury lent me "marathon woman" by kathrine switzer, and she starts off just running because she likes it and likes the feeling it gives her. I think i left my watch at my parents' house, and slowly i'm adjusting to it not being a big deal, but it's hard sometimes! i am just so used to the watch.
