Mt. Baker From Mt. Constitution


Another Beutiful Day in Rome?

Today I awoke, excited for my relaxed Saturday run. No pressure of getting to class, meandering pace. But alas, there was the sound of rushing water outside my window. Not rain, but water pouring. Along with the water were bright flashes and loud noises. Yes indeed, my first storm in Rome. I ran to the dining room windows to get a better view of the lighting bolts in the sky, and noticed that it was downpouring. It was awesome to watch, but I knew that running + cobblestones + pouring rain = bad.

Sadly, I sat at the kitchen table, eating my italian style honey nut cherrios, reading Once A Runner contemplating how I can safely run in the pouring rain in Rome. If Quenton Cassidy can run anytime anywhere way faster then me, why can't I handle running in the pouring rain in the beautiful city of Rome. After munching and pondering for a few minutes, I noticed a small break of blue sky in the dark clouds. Hope returned for my saturday run.

About 10 minutes later, enough time for me to finish eating, the sky completely cleared! It was incredible. One minute it was pouring and the next, it all burned off and was a gorgous day! By then it was about 9:30 in the morning and I was getting antsy to run. I recruited Catharine, we put on our running shoes and took off!

It was another adventure run, that started out like all my runs so far in Rome: along the Tiber. Ah the tiber. Its like the duamish. not very nice to look at, but better then running on cobbelstones since it has a paved path next to it. We decied that today would be an adventure run. We planned to run to the Borghese gardens, but since its like the Rome version of the Arboretum, only with a villa in it (it used to be one family's private villa) there are trails everywhere. we figured its only 2.3ish to get to the entrance, then a run up a nice hill, then park/tree/trail paradise in rome, or at least as close as we could get. running along the tiber was reminiscent of seattle. a little waterfront, an asphalt path, mapleish trees everywhere with their leaves falling not to mnay people. it was great!

After meaning through the Borghese gardens for a while, we turned back to the Campo Di Fiori for our run home. Then run home always seems shorter then the run out to a place. On the way I imagined how I can do long runs to the park, get lost on some trails, then do the short run back to the Campo. Running this fall is starting to look up!!!

Happy Trails (or cobblestone paths!)